Medical Assistant and with experience with various specialists
Study in Complementary Medicine in Zurich
Training in classical homeopathy according to Samuel Hahnemann c/o Dr.ssa nat. Karin Lenger
In-depth training in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Study and research stay in Asia
I study Dietetics according to the 5 elements of traditional Chinese medicine at the Barbara Temeli school in Zurich
Asian University Honor
Passing the cantonal exam with declaration from the medical-technical high school
Authorization to practice acupuncture issued by the health office
Registered as a health practitioner in acupuncture No. 12 since 2007
Complementary therapist N° 272 since 2007
Cultural trip to China November 2011 in Beijing / Xi`an / Shanghai / Hong Kong
Training in Chromotherapy/Chromopuncture with experience in paediatrics
Training and authorization in HydroColon Therapy c/o Bern ISCH International School of Hydrocolon 2012 - 2013
Training in Humoral Medicine, NTE European Traditional Naturopathy 2016 - 2020
Training of in-depth study in Iridology 2016 - 2018
In-depth training in phytotherapy 2020
Affiliated with all health insurance companies (complementary)
EMR and NVS member
Clinical practices in Traditional Chinese Medicine:
2000 Practices at the naturopathy practice Michael Steger, Riechenau Germany
2000-2002-2005 Sanatorium Dr. Mack, with head doctor Dr. med. Paa and Dr. Gabriele Fiorini, Bad Reichenhall Germany
2006 Kurmittelhaus Der Moderna with Dr. med. N. Netzer and Dr. Gabriele Fiorini, Bad Reichenhall Germany
2009 Orthopedic clinic with Dr. med. H. Rohrer and Dr. Gabriele Fiorini, Bad Aibling Germany Independent with 2 practices for 10 years